Sunday, 14 November 2010

Evaluating Other Students Work

We marked the other student’s continuity-editing task in our groups, we broke down the work and this is the order, best to worst, we felt was suitable when examining there technical ability.

Group 1- Alexandra, Demi, Stephanie and 
We gave this group a high Level 3, Mark 40 as we felt they were evident in a proficient level of technical skills and ability.  They showed a variety of different shots,and  the shooting material was appropriate for the task set. Sound was clear and understandable. To improve we felt there music could have merged out into dialogue better and that the background sound at the beginning was too loud. Overall a well filmed piece which followed the criteria set for the task. 

Group 2- Heather, Laura, Brogan and Sam
We gave this group a level 3, Mark 38, as we felt the technical ability was proficient. 

They showed a variety of different shots, the shooting material was appropriate for the task set and holding a shot steady. The sounds disappears at the end of the video which makes it difficult to understand and some cuts are too sudden and do not flow into the next shot well enough.

Group 3- Ellie, Tom, and Callum
We gave this group a level 3, Mark 36 as we felt that they used a proficient level of technical skills and ability. The shots they used were steady and clear. 
My Group- Jessica, Luke, Hannah and Serena

I gave my group a Level 2, Mark 32, as i felt there piece showed a basic level of technical ability. The sound was too quiet and not clear enough to understand what was going on. The editing was rushed and the ending was unfinished it was not clear whether it had ended or not. Also what stopped this group from achieving the higher grade was there was no sound to add to the suspense . There was also a few mistakes we forgot to edit out.

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