Thursday, 7 October 2010

Thriller 1: The Dark Knight

An extreme long shot is used to begin the extract with the city of america in the background. The camera zoom's into the building slowly, then the camera is on a mid shot of a man who just blew up one of the windows on the building. When you see the glass smash, it smashes in the direction of the audience to engage you.  This is used to show how the narrative will have action/thriller parts embedded within it. The colours throughout the movie are black and dark blue, this connotes darkness, and a sadness about it, maybe with a bit of evil.

Jump cuts have been used excessively to show the fast paced narrative and the representation of the sub-genre – thriller/action- this is reinforced by the shooting in the movie and images of guns and glass to connotoes the genre thriller.

The first noise you hear is glass smashing. This engages you with what is going on and add's effect to the movie.

At the beggining it starts with the audience seeing new york city with buildings everywhere and it zoom's in on one room of a buliding. The camera is at a bird's eye veiw. The window then smashes and you get taken to a close up of a man with  mask on. He has a gun in his hand, and there is also another person with a mask behind him. It then goes to a jump cut to another man standing in the highstreet with a mask in his hand and his back to the camera.

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