The whole of our group posted our opening to our thriller on facebook so that friends could have a look at what we had been working on and give some creative criticism as to what they thought was good and bad.Some of the critisism we gotthe music is nice and atmospheric and combined with the long lingering shots of the trees and the way the camera pans round, it adds an eerie element of suspense. but your names don't have capital letters. We all got pretty much the same feeback as we all have the same friends on facebook, but here was a printscreen from serena's facebook with feedback.

The sound was commented on in every comment, and how they liked the music, and also that they liked the whispers that came out of the locket.
Some feedback hannah got off her facebook:
i think it's a great opening, as it doesn't have to much of a story and leaves the viewer engaged. I like the suspense of the pans, but feel they do slightly drag on. I love the music as it adds to the suspense, and i love the title at the end
I loved the music - really chilling! And the whispering was great, I have to agree :) I think this is a really cool start!!
Love the timing of the music and the whispering. Really builds up the suspense! Love it!
Some feedback i got off my facebook:
its really good.
Love the music in the background, really makes the thriller sound eeary.
I really like the font. really creative.
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